Cédric Lebeau

Cédric Lebeau

Certified Real Estate Broker AEO

Cédric Lebeau Inc.


Cédric a débuté sa carrière dans le milieu de la vente alors qu’il n'avait que 18 ans, habile négociateur. Déjà à l'époque il fracasse des records et obtient des récompenses prestigieuses. Quelques années plus tard il fait la transition pour le domaine de l'immobilier. En 2009, il se joint à RE/MAX, chef de file en Immobilier. Honoré année après année depuis. Son expertise, son écoute, son efficacité et sa disponibilité envers ses clients lui ont permis de se forger une solide réputation, qui le place parmi l'Élite des courtiers RE/MAX au Québec.

My RE/MAX programs and protection

Buying or selling a property is important to you. As your RE/MAX broker, I’m committed to seeing your project through to completion efficiently and without complication. With RE/MAX Quebec, I offer a variety of programs tailored to your needs. Find out more!

A Key Solution Against Latent Defects

Are you considering or have purchased a property covered by the Integri-T guarantee? This unique and exclusive RE/MAX guarantee provides you with financial protection in case of discovery of such defects.

Peace of Mind Assured!

Without a doubt, the purchase or sale of a property is an important event in your life. At RE/MAX, we are aware of this and that is why we want to offer you solutions to the various pitfalls.

Exclusive Discounts for RE/MAX Customers

Enjoy unmatched discounts on an impressive selection of products offered by our many partner merchants. Choosing a RE/MAX broker has never been so beneficial!

The Best of Commercial Brokerage

The RE/MAX Commercial Program is made up of brokers specializing in the commercial sector who offer personalized supervision according to your specific needs.

Cédric Lebeau

Certified Real Estate Broker AEO

Cédric Lebeau Inc.


C. (514) 298-1373
O. (450) 349-5868


1055 boul. du Séminaire Nord Bureau 302
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, J3A 1R7



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